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Tuesday, 1 March 2011


The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen in the developing countries and especially in Africa. This gap continues to widen between the haves and not haves, between those at the top of the economic ladder and those who are who are further down. The cost of living has also gone high and the people down the ladder are only living below 2dollar a day. How can this challenge be addressed and it is the greatest challenge in the 21st century?

Look at the financial market a lot of crisis which further complicates the situation, the unacceptably high level of extreme poverty. There is also rising of many unemployed people yet they have their paper degree in their wallets. The planet also continues to send indication of more pain look at the countries where people and animals are dying of drought. Diseases which we can control are on the rise yet the politic space takes the advantage. Wars now and then.
These are issues that need to be address in order to bridge the gap. How do we address the issues? Look at the recent happenings in Egypt through social network this people they were able to get rid of their former president.
How about social entrepreneurship will we be able to solve out our problems as a continent?
We need a world of social entrepreneurs to bring about innovative solutions for a better future in the world. I want to see them ‘rocking’ all over the world.” Walter Fust, Director-General of SDC
As a continent we need to look for opportunities to create social value, uncover the best approaches and build social capital. Capital that can be passed on as inheritance rather than debt that has been borrowed to the next generation.

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